‘Get to know’… Tris Sharp
Name: Tristan Sharp
Role on committee: Coordinator of the Hove Park WSFRL runs
1. When did you join Arena:
About a year and a half ago – (October 2014)
2. How long have you been running:
I’ve always run since I was a kid but ‘seriously’ for about the last four years or so
3. Where did you grow up:
4. What was the last thing you bought:
A post marathon drink… It’s exhausting watching people run the marathon!
5. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done:
Disagreeing with my wife
6. What were you like at school:
7. Tell me about something you would happily do again:
I’m more one for finding new adventures than trying to recreate great memories
8. Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful:
a) Pretty much the whole of Africa
b) A mountainous skyline
c) freshly laid track on a summers Monday evening
9. Tell us about something you’ve achieved:
I catered my own wedding
10. What’s your favourite book, magazine or comic:
Shark in the park” – I can read it to my daughter at bedtime in less the 5 minutes flat!
11. Tell us something we don’t know about you:
I can read and write in Korean
12. What makes you happy:
Hanging out with my daughter
13. What do you do to relax:
14. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try:
Running my own grilled sandwich place on a West Indian beach
15. Which store or website would you choose to max out your credit card:
The one that sells a boat, a go pro, air jordans… and sandwiches
16. What is most important in life:
Being a good role model to the kid
17. Who in your life has influenced you the most:
Probably me ma
18. What’s your earliest memory:
Using my giant panther sized cat as a pillow
19. Name your 3 favourite foods:
a) Prawn Katsu for breakfast
b) Beef bourguignon for lunch
c) …and the timeless classic for dinner of Macacroni Cheese!That’d be a great day!
20. Who is your sporting hero:
Dennis Bergkamp, the guile of a genius with elbows of steel