Get to Know…Jo Phillimore
For this week’s choice we have the lady who will always be one of the first to say hello to any new member joining the club. As well as being sociable, she also has one of the best sense of humours. For those of you that have not had a chance to have a conversation with her then I would urge to sit down (or run) and get to know this lady. An all round athlete and great to have her along with Arena. Ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding for Jo Phillimore.
Name: Jo Phillimore
1. When and why did you join Arena:
July 2014. I Spoke to Dan Vaughan and Paul Gasson after parkrun/pickup/drop off. They said Arena was a formation of fast, fit, friendly, funny fu… erm people. They were so right.
2. How long have you been running:
Exactly 12 years this week
3. Where did you grow up:
St. Reatham SW16
4. Other than running, what else do you do for exercise:
Netball, open water swimming, spin, pump, balance, Pilates, HIIT, skipping, chasing small children. You’d think I’d be faster…
5. What is a good night out for you:
Friends, beers, comedy, dancing
6. Tell us about something that you are proud to have achieved:
Dubai vertical marathon champion 2010 and 2011
7. If you could only have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be:
Fresh raspberries and blueberries with greek yoghurt
8. What are the 3 most used apps on your phone:
What’sapp, podcasts, Smugbook,
9. Who is your sporting hero:
10. Have you ever done anything that scared the living crap out of you:
Parachute jump, leap of faith Dubai aquaventure (water slide through shark tank)
11. Have you ever had or do you have a nickname:
Josephine Phillmemore
12. What makes you happy:
During strictly when my son says ‘which one is the freshional?’
13. What is your all-time favourite film:
Ferris Bueller’s day off ‘Anyone….?’
14. What music do you like to listen to when you’re out running:
I listen to Body Combat tracks 3,5 and 8 from last 10 years. You’d rather stick a fork in your ear but it’s 180 bpm
15. What’s something we don’t know about you:
I grew up with Catherine Tate and ‘Nan’ (what a f***ing liberty) is part based on my nan.
16. Tell me about something you would happily never do again:
Swim channel (and fail)
17. What would your epitaph say:
I told you I was ill
18. Have you got something that you just can’t bring yourself to get rid of:
My husband
19. What is your one weakness:
Getting on the Pimms bus when it comes at 3 o’clock
20. What were you like at school:
Our biggest thanks to Jo for his Q&A’s this week and we hope that you feel that you have now got to know Jo a little better. Check back next Wednesday for another set of Q&A’s with our chosen club member.