Get to know…Max Brambani
For this week’s chosen club member we are joined by Max Brambani. Max is a quiet reserved Gent but there is a lot to him as those that have talked to him will tell you. It’s been great to see Max’s progression since he started and has recently turned in some fine performances which has shown in his parkrun times with many PB’s showing true progression. There is still more to come from him in 2018 of that I’m sure so I look forward to seeing Max become a firm Arena points taker this year. A great lad to have on board for Arena. Now over to you Max, what are you about?
Name: Max Brambani
1. When and why did you join Arena:
Just under a year ago following the Brighton half marathon. I had only recently moved to Brighton at the time and saw it as a great opportunity to both build on my running and meet some friendly faces! My boss, who’s a member of Haywards Heath Harriers, recommended the club to me.
2. How long have you been running:
Regretfully only since making the move to Brighton in the summer of 2016. Given how much I enjoy it, I wish it was something I pursued during my school and university years more!
3. Where did you grow up:
In a small Cotswold village called Willersey.
4. What was the last thing you bought:
A coffee with a blueberry and custard pastry from Gail’s… bit of a sin but in my defence I had been playing badminton before!
5. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done:
Row 7 miles down the River Avon on a very makeshift raft… it was quite enjoyable until we encountered a sizable weir!
6. What were you like a school:
Hard-working and always up for a kick-about. My mums a head teacher so I knew better than to put a foot out of line!
7. Tell me about something you would happily do again:
Go back to Iceland to see the northern lights… but next time in a hot tub with a beer
8. Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful:
A summer Brightonian sunset
An autumn walk around Tarn Hows in the Lake District
The finish line after a gruelling run.
9. Tell us about something you’ve achieved:
Degrees in Geography as well as Flood and Coastal Risk Management.
10. What’s your favourite book, magazine or comic:
Honestly, I only tend to read when I go on holiday and they’re always related to sport, quite often an autobiography. The last book that I really enjoyed was Running with the Kenyans by Adharanand Finn – a very motivational read!
11. Tell us something we don’t know about you:
I was lucky enough to present Sir AP McCoy with a bottle of champagne for his last win at Newbury before he announced his retirement.
12. What makes you happy:
Spending time with family and friends… and setting new PB’s of course!
13. What do you do to relax:
14. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try:
A marine biologist – with some exotic diving.
15. Which store or website would you choose to max out your credit card:
Sweatshop in Brighton, simply because I very rarely walk in and out without having bought something.
16. What is most important in life:
Keeping busy and happy!
17. Who in your life has influenced you the most:
Probably my mother who I’m very alike. My dad and I are different in the sense that he’s very practical, whilst I generally require a YouTube tutorial for any sort of handy work (he also probably doesn’t know what YouTube is).
18. What’s your earliest memory:
Watching a bee sting my sister when we were playing in the garden… bit of a strange one but I guess that’s why it’s stuck!
19. Name your 3 favourite foods:
Roast beef
A pink lady apple
Lemon meringue pie
20. Who is your sporting hero:
Through my much younger adolescence it would have been Dion Dublin (I’m an Aston Villa fan). Although I would probably say Andy Murray. I find both his mental and physical strength to be inspirational.
Our biggest thanks to Max for his Q&A’s this week and we hope that you feel that you have now got to know Max a little better. Check back next Wednesday for another set of Q&A’s with our chosen club member.