Get to know…Marc Steene
For this week’s chosen member we are joined by a long standing club member but due to work and family duties these took their toll on Marc being able to get to the club training sessions over the last few years. As his children are now older and he is now going to be working in Brighton more often, Marc is planning to get along to more of the training sessions as he says that he misses the camaraderie of Arena 80.
Marc holds features in several of our club records in the form of age grading’s at parkruns. They are 2nd at Preston Park – 80.86%; 4th at Hove Prom – 80.93% and 3rd at Worthing – 80.85% so as you can see, he is consistent if nothing else. So let’s find out a little more about the man Marc Steene….
Name: Marc Steene
1. When and why did you join Arena:
It must have been back in 2004/5 I think….. I was looking to improve my running and I remember coming to a training session and liking the friendliness and encouragement of Bob and the other runners
2. How long have you been running:
Properly since around 2004, I did do some cross country at school, but without any real commitment apart from the odd fag break
3. Where did you grow up:
Now that’s a hard one to answer, I was born in Italy to an Italian mother and an English father who was in the army. We moved regularly spending time in Germany, England, Wales, Spain and Bangladesh, I worked out once that I had well over 20 different homes by the time I left home…
4. If you were given a yacht what would you name it:
HMS Invincible
5. What’s something that you aren’t:
6. Tell us about something you would happily do again:
Be a father, it’s the best thing in the world
7. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would you choose:
8. What was your favourite TV programme when you were growing up:
Robin Hood, the old one in black and white, I always wanted to be off on adventures and righting wrongs
9. Who is your sporting hero:
Mo Salah, I think he is such a fantastic role model and does so much to challenge stereotypes about footballers
10. You’ve been given access to a time machine, where would you travel to:
Back to King Arthur’s Court to be a knight of the Round Table, I realise that this is probably fictitious and a bit romantic, but I always wanted to be a knight, and as a child I had a plastic suit of armour that I wore whenever I could…
11. What is your one weakness:
Motorbikes, I have always loved them and can’t imagine being without one
12. Is there anything you would like to accomplish in the next 10 years:
I plan to run 60 miles from my 60th birthday on the South Downs, which isn’t that far away! I am trying to convince friends and family to join me for parts of it, so if there are any Arena 80 runners out there looking for a challenge please get in touch!
13. If money was no object, where you most like to visit:
St. Petersburg
14. What music are you presently listening to:
15. What’s something we don’t know about you:
I make a mean pizza, being Neapolitan and all…
16. What is the one item you really should throw away but just can’t do it:
A waistcoat I have had for far too long which is held together by will power alone, but which holds huge emotional significance to me as it seen me through some difficult situations.
17. What’s the furthest you have ridden on a bike:
Probably around 100 miles, obviously further on a motorbike….
18. If you could offer any advice to your younger self what would you say:
Be confident in yourself and seize the moment
19. If you could have had the starring role in one film already made, which movie would it be:
John Boorman’s Excalibur
20. What is the greatest TV theme song ever:
Sopranos, Alabama 3 ‘Woke up this Morning’
Our biggest thanks to Marc for his Q&A’s this week and we hope that you feel that you have now got to know Marc a little better. Check back next Wednesday for another set of Q&A’s with our chosen club member.