Arena 80 award winners 2018
It was a wonderful turn-out to this awards night held at the bigger venue at the King & Queen pub in Brighton. Of course this wasn’t just about the awards but also a chance for Arena to come together and celebrate all that is good in the club and those athletes of have excelled in 2018. Thank you to all of those that made it along and from the amount of noise going on, it was certainly a night of socialising, chatting and socialising with your fellow athletes, such a wonderful atmosphere.
Our club President Chris Naylor and our Chairman Bob Page were both on hand to announce the winners and to hand out the trophies.
So the winners were;
Volunteer’s award – Steve McNealy
Best newcomer – TJ Derangi
Most improved – Aled Anderson
Outstanding team award women – The ladies South Downs relay team
Outstanding team award men – The men’s B team South Downs relay team
Best over 40 women – Tara Shanahan
Best over 40 man – Dan Vaughan
Best female performance – Caroline Wood
Best male performance – Richard Clayton
There was also a very special mention that went to our Chairman and Head Coach Bob Page who had a 2 minute standing ovation. It was a most wonderful moment and it showed just how respected and how much love and respect there is for Bob.
For the full transcript of each individual winner then click here: Award winners 2018