Arena’s Timmy Gedin has a new hobby

A lot of men take up a hobby perhaps like photography, golf or even stamp collecting but this year Timmy Gedin has a new hobby of collecting Arena club record’s. I’m being honest here but do we need to see what he is having for breakfast? The reason I write this is because Timmy Gedin has just broken another club record, this time at the Brighton & Hove parkrun on Saturday 2nd March.
Now if you use the meteorological year, it splits the year into four seasons of three full months each based on the Gregorian calendar. This means that every year spring begins on 1 March so with that in mind, is this why Timmy had such a spring in his step for this parkrun, yep ok I know, bad link up, oh well I tried.
So back to the parkrun, Timmy was first man home in a time of 16.19. The last time he raced here was 17/12/2016 when he recorded a time of 18.15 so there has been a very slight improvement to his time. His previous PB time was 16.32 set way back on the 24/12/2011 so he’s made some headway in 8 years but he was probably aged about 10 back then. Oops off on a tangent again, now back to the club records. The men’s previous club record stood at 16.25 set by Joe Ashley in 2016 and Timmy now moves himself up from 4th place to 1st place. Along with this time, it also qualifies for the men’s 5k club record which now places him in 3rd place behind Richard Clayton 16.04 and Richard Burgess-Gamble 16.14.
This is Timmy’s fourth club record this year having previously broken the men’s 10k, Worthing parkrun, Preston Park parkrun and now takes the scalp of Brighton & Hove parkrun. It’s some haul by any standards and we’ve only just touched March. Congratulations Timmy Gedin on another outstanding run and record, you’re setting a very good bar for others to chase now. A sub 16 5k has to be within grasp now.
The men’s records now read:
5K Men
1 Richard Clayton Goodwood 2018 16m 04s
2 Richard Burgess-Gamble SM Kings Head Canter 2013 16m 14s
3 Timmy Gedin SM Hove Park 2019 16m 19s
4 Joe Ashley SM Hove Park 2016 16m 25s
5 Al Silvester SM Hove Park 2016 16m 27s

Parkrun Records
Brighton & Hove parkrun Men
1 Timmy Gedin 2019 16m 19s
2 Joe Ashley 2016 16m 25s
3 Al Silvester 2016 16m 27s
4 Jim Roberts 2008 16m 29s
5 Richard Clayton 2016 16m 38s

Away from the club records we should also like to congratulate Rob Derkin on his 300th parkrun at Preston Park parkrun this weekend. He celebrated with a time of 21.52 and if we check back at his first parkrun here, way back in April 2013 his time then was 21.54 so it’s good to see he’s made some good progress during those years. Congratulations Rob!