Arena camping trip August 20th 2019
Date: 15 Aug 2019 – 20 Aug 2019 at Hollands Wood Campsite, Brockenhurst SO42 7QH
Does anyone want to join us on the Arena 80 camping weekend? Members and their family and friends are all welcome. A group of us have been going away for many years now for some social camping which involves running, cycling, bbq’s, badminton, a bit alcohol (for some), and off course a local Parkrun! This year we will probably go to Moors Valley Parkrun (unless a new one pops up by then).
Kids and dogs also welcome.
Book your own pitch and stay as many nights as you can.
If you are on Facebook please find the camping event in the Arena 80 events page and mark yourself as ‘going’ and comment which days and people numbers so that we have an idea of the size of a pitch area that we need to save. If not speak to Caroline Hoyte or Julie Drake at one of the training sessions or email .
The website to book from is:-