Coach Steve Do It Alone Reps

Arena 80 home training track plan
You will need to mark out what 400 metres is ( if you know what time you run a mile in, divide it by 4 and run this time, that should roughly be your 400 metres)
Start with a steady 400 metre jog to warm up
Jog 300 – 10K pace 100
Jog 200 – 10K pace 200
Jog 100 – 10K pace 300
10K pace 400 – 30 seconds rest

10K pace 300 – 5K pace 100
10K pace 200 – 5K pace 200
20K pace 100 – 5K pace 300
5K pace 400 – 60 seconds rest
Repeat the above for a total of 6400 metre session
(Not including the warm up)
The above can be adapted for all abilities, beginners can just repeat the first part
The regular runners can do the above
The fast can just repeat the second part
Hope this keeps you going and something to focus on while we deal with the current situation
Regards Steve.