Arena 80 In The Community – Charity Update
I hope you are all well and able to stay as fit as possible whilst following to the letter the government guidance.
A big thank you to those who managed to find time to vote for one of our 3 charity nominations this year. All 3 charities were certainly deserving of our support and would all of benefited from our funds.
In the end 2 of them were very close in the voting but following closure of voting last night the charity that receives our funds this year was THE PURPLE PEOPLE KITCHEN (
The person who nominated them was Anne Miners and along with our treasurer Mark O’Gara will pass on our funds in an acceptable and safe manner.
I’ve had several people ask if we as a club could do more in order to support local people and I will discuss with our committe any ideas you have. Any support charities receive at this time when there income is under threat has to be good. As an example one of our members is donating their transport costs now they are working from home and another all the coffees they aren’t now buying.
Stay safe and follow government advice whilst you go about your daily lives and we will be able to help those who are under the greatest restrictions.
Keep in contact with each other in a safe way and we will get through this a lot easier and help ease our personal concerns a little.
All the best
Bob Page & Committee