Withdean Track Monday 24th Aug – NEW ON LINE BOOKING & PAY SYSTEM

Hi All
Because of Covid Restrictions and Track and Trace requirements we have moved to an on-line booking system for our Monday evening sessions at Withdean. We are also governed by FL, EA and Government regulation.
Because the numbers we can accommodate depends on the availability of our coaches and could vary from week to week we will release each session for booking a few days in advance.
The session for Monday 24th August is now available to book here  https://cal.smoothbook.co/arena80. You will need a credit or debit card to make the payment of £3.
We can accommodate a maximum of 36 runners in 3 groups of 12 at this session. If the session fills up you will be invited to join a wait list and will receive a notification if a space becomes available.
Bookings will close at 12.35pm on Monday to give us time to sort you into groups and let you know who your coach will be.
Please bear in mind this is a novel way of working for us so there may be some teething problems!
If you can see anything not quite right or could be improved upon please let us know.
Tara Shanahan