Arena 80 Christmas Quiz Dec 20th 7pm – Zoooooooooom
I’m pleased to report that we have had plenty of interest in the proposed Zoom Christmas quiz, so this will take place next Sunday 20th December at 7pm.
The same format as the ones Steve McNealy hosted in the Summer. 20 questions in the 40-minute slot. I can also set up another 40-minute call afterwards if people would like to have a general pre-Christmas chat, as we haven’t seen much of each other this year!
The wearing of silly hats, Christmas pullovers, Reindeer deely-boppers etc., whilst not compulsory, is recommended – as is having something alcoholic by your side to help stimulate the grey matter.
I’ll send the Zoom link nearer the time. Looking forward to seeing you all.
Yuletide felicitations!
Shawn Buck