Vets League June 14th Review
Hope you had fun – it was awesome to be on-track and competing with so many Arenas…
A special thank you to our athletes (and non-competing volunteers!) who helped with the officiating.
The meets could not go ahead without the kind assistance of volunteers to officiate.
If you’re a Vets League regular, you can probably expect to be asked to help out with a little bit of officiating if not for the next meet, then next season…
And if you’re new to the Vets League – welcome – and I hope you’ll become a regular, as “there ain’t nothing like track racing…”
A special mention to David & Julie (2000m W), Nicky (5000m) and Yvonne (200m) who all won their respective age categories. As well as Del, who PBed in the 3000m – and anyone else that PBed that I don’t know about!
A particular special mention to any first timers – hope you’re now hooked…
And, last but definitely not least, both relay teams – who did us proud in what is always a highlight of the evening.
The next meet is also at Lewes, on 26 July, and features the legendary Relay Medley!
(I’m secretly hoping we can enter an A team and mixed team into both the men’s and women’s races )
Thank you all for making it a great night – and representing Arena 80…
PS. Finally, a personal thanks to the “Arena 80 peloton” for an awesome 3000m.
I loved it.